Sunday, August 23, 2009

Humane Blog Award

Before I get started with posting yet another award, I want to thank the following blogger friends for passing me awards though I received them already:

The Humane Blog Award was passed to me by my very dear friend David. David is one great friend I'll surely treasure here in this web zone. Thanks for the friendship and for sharing this tag with me.

Now I'm going to pass this award as my appreciation to the following bloggers and friends:
Weng,Marie, Tommyclaire, Amy, Anne, Meryl, Sheng, Chuchie, Karen, Sir Jong, Brilliam, Bon2x, Judie, Kevin, Kessa, Jhelea, Francis, Junellen, Marites, Dhemz, Rose*, Claire, Madz*
vhingF and to all my blogger friends.

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