Sunday, March 15, 2009

Perpetual Smiling Blogger Award

This tag was shared to me by AMY... Thanks girl for giving this tag, surely I'll have my head buggling from too much excitement.

Award Rules :

Copy the questions below. Simply use the first letter of your name/nickname as your answer for each questions. You can’t use any answer twice and don’t use your own name for questions # 3 & 4. After you’re done, tag 10 people.

The Questions:

  1. What is your name? Grace
  2. A four letter word: Game
  3. A boy’s name : Greg
  4. A girl’s name : Geny
  5. An occupation : guard
  6. A color : gray
  7. Something you wear : Garter?
  8. A type of food : Gulaman
  9. Something found in the bathroom : grass?
  10. A place : Greece
  11. A reason for being late : Grounded
  12. Something you shout : grrrrr
  13. A movie title : Garfield
  14. Something you drink : gatorade
  15. A musical group : G Kenny
  16. A street name : Gilbert Street
  17. A type of car : general motors
  18. A song title: God is Good
  19. A verb : great
I am going to pass this award to

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